Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May Britishfest BBQ

Hello Everyone!!

The following is an announcement from the founder of Britishfest :

On May 25th, the Britishfest team is proudly hosting a BBQ cookout in Bellevue's Washington Park. It is encouraged that guests who are attending the BBQ bring a covered dish (excluding chips and 2 liter bottles of soda, no alcohol allowed) or to make a donation to help Britishfest become the best convention we can make it. There is also an opportunity to purchase weekend memberships at the BBQ and feature an exclusive Memorial Day BBQ discount of 10%. There is a list below of items that we still need which will be updated daily. Follow the link below to get your VIP in today.


What is Britishfest you say?  its a new convention (in 2014) that is celebrating British entertainment! From Dr Who to Discworld. From Monty Python to The Prisoner.

Check it out here
